Rechtsanwältin und Notarin

Nicole Stütelberg

Fachanwältin für Strafrecht

Langenstraße 36
28195 Bremen


Attorney at Law

Notary Public

Certified Specialist for Criminal Law


Telefon: +49 421 3345666

Mitglied des Vorstandes

Listed as attorney and notary public by the Embassy of the United States of America Berlin and the Consulate General in Frankfurt am Main.

Listed as attorney and notary public by the Embassy of Canada Berlin.

Mitglied der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Strafrecht des DAV und Mitglied der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Anwalts-notariat im DAV

Mitglied der Deutschen Notarrecht-lichen Vereinigung e.V.

Transparency Register

Who must make entries in the Transparency Register?

Legal representatives of legal persons under private law and incorporated partnerships (§ 20 Para. 1 GwG), trustees and custodians (§ 21 Para. 1 and 2 GwG) are obligated to immediately disclose their beneficial owners in the Transparency Register, unless such beneficial owners are already evident via other public registers (e.g. commercial register). Listed companies are excluded from seperate notifications to the Transparency Register provided that the controlling position arises out of appropriate notifications of major holdings.


What information is notifiable?

Required data for beneficial owners include: first name and surname, date of birth, domicile, type of beneficial owner (fictitious or actual) and the nature and extent of the commercial interest (§ 19 Para. 1 GwG). Changes of data of the beneficial owner over time and information that in the meantime the beneficial owner (again) is evident from other registers are obligatory.



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